
We maintain the best listing we can of natural history-related events on Martha’s Vineyard. While we periodically check organizational websites and newspaper calendar sections for events to include here, we’d welcome your help making this part of our website as complete and helpful as possible. Are you or your organization involved in an event that might be of interest to friends of the Martha’s Vineyard Atlas of Life? Please email MVAL program director Matt Pelikan at with details or a web link.

Thanks for your help!

Upcoming Events

Nocturnal Nature at BWorks Headquarters

Thursday, August 22, 2024, 7:45 p.m. – whenever. Free and informal; we’ll set up a blacklight sheet to sample nocturnal arthropods at the BiodiversityWorks office and will deploy bat detectors and mist nets if conditions allow. BWorks staff will explain nocturnal wildlife and study methods. 18 Helen Ave., Vineyard Haven (off Lambert’s Cove Road). Drop by for as long as you want. Action starts as it gets dark, and we have no idea at all what we’ll see. We recommend long pants; bring a headlamp or flashlight, insect repellent, and camera or smartphone to photograph insects. Help us add species to our office property iNaturalist project!

Nature Journaling Workshop with Lara Call Gastinger

Saturday, September 21, 2024, and Sunday, September 22, 2024. Hoft Farm field station, 74 Lambert’s Cove Road, West Tisbury. Learn drawing and composition skills to help you memorialize and enrich your relationship to nature. Noted artist and botanical illustrator Lara Call Gastinger will introduce her journaling method, which she calls “perpetual journaling.” Limited to 12 participants, and we expect this event to sell out quickly. $125 per person; financial aid is available. Please register here.