Martha's Vineyard Atlas of LifeHelp


Select an option below for frequently requested information. You can also find help and additional information about specific topics by clicking the menu tabs at the top of your screen. If you need help with something not addressed in one of those places, you can always email Matt Pelikan, MVAL Program Director, at .

What is the Martha's Vineyard Atlas of Life?

Launched in 2021, the Martha’s Vineyard Atlas of Life (MVAL) is a cooperative project of BiodiversityWorks and the Betsy and Jesse Fink Family Foundation. We are building a community-driven catalog of the unique biodiversity of Martha’s Vineyard. And we try to support naturalists of all kinds, providing information on wildlife, building skills, and encouraging the study and appreciation of the island’s natural heritage.

What Can I Do to Help?

Wow, thanks for asking! You can help advance our mission by exploring and using the information on this website; by attending a natural history event run by the MVAL, BiodiversityWorks, or another island organization; by contributing observations to community science platforms such as iNaturalist; or by supporting the MVAL or its parent organization, BiodiversityWorks, financially. For more suggestions, click on the “Get Involved” menu tab at the top of your screen.

Website Problems

Broken and dead links? Nonfunctioning page elements? Missing or garbled content? Please help us make this website as good as it can be by letting us know of problems you encounter. Email Martha’s Vineyard Atlas of Life Program Director (and de facto webmaster) Matt Pelikan at with a description of the problem. We’ll do our best to fix it promptly, and if we can’t, our web designer can. Thanks for your help!