Report Sightings

Submit Observations to iNaturalist

We encourage you to join and use iNaturalist to record your wildlife sightings. iNaturalist provides identification assistance via artificial intelligence as well as from human experts, and it is an excellent way to store and maintain your personal sightings. All iNat observations posted from Martha’s Vineyard are automatically included in the Martha’s Vineyard Atlas of Life project and are reviewed by MVAL staff. You can access or sign up with iNaturalist using the button below.

Contact the Martha’s Vineyard Atlas of Life

Not an iNat user? Found something unusual, puzzling, or interesting that you want to let us know about directly? Use the form below to send in a report, which can include photographs, video, or sound files in most formats as attachments. We’ll do our best to respond in a timely manner. Thanks for helping!