Martha's Vineyard Atlas of LifeSpecies ListsBEES: ANTHOPHILABees Checklist

Bees of Martha's Vineyard


Bees of Martha's Vineyard

Common NameScientific NameNotes
American Cellophane BeeColletes americanus
Aster Cellophane BeeColletes compactus
Unequal Cellophane BeeColletes inaequalisCommon early-season species
Colletes productusLocal; oligolect on Lyonia
Eastern Spine-shouldered Cellophane BeeColletes simulans armatus
Goldenrod Cellophane BeeColletes solidaginis
Beach Dune Cellophane BeeColletes speculiferus
Rufous-chested Cellophane BeeColletes thoracicus
Blueberry Cellophane BeeColletes validus
Masked BeesHylaeinae
Eastern Masked BeeHylaeus affinis
Annulate Masked BeeHylaeus annulatus
Cresson's Masked BeeHylaeus mesillae cressoni
Modest Masked BeeHylaeus modestus modestus
Schwarz's Masked BeeHylaeus schwarzii
Green Metallic Sweat BeeAugochloropsis viridulaCommon
Golden Sweat BeeAugochlorella aurataCommon
Pure Sweat BeeAugochlora puraCommon
Silky Striped Sweat BeeAgapostemon sericeus
Brown Winged Striped Sweat BeeAgapostemon splendens
Texas Striped Sweat BeeAgapostemon texanus
Bicolored Striped Sweat BeeAgapostemon virescensCommon
Chokeberry Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes aroniae
Atlantic Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes atlantis
Autumn Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes autumnalishistorical records
Sphecodes brachycephalus
Bi-lobed Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes confertus
Crowned Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes coronus
Cresson's Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes cressonii
Davis's Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes davisii
Scalloped Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes dichrous
Cyclops Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes heraclei
Illinois Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes illinoensishistorical records
Red-toothed Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes mandibularis
Minor Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes minor
Eastern Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes pimpinellae
Buttercup Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes ranunculi
Townes's Cuckoo Sweat BeeSphecodes townesi
Parallel-striped Sweat BeeHalictus parallelus
Ligated Furrow BeeHalictus ligatusCommon
Orange-legged Furrow BeeHalictus rubicundus
Confused Furrow BeeHalictus confusus confusus
Pointed Sweat BeeLasioglossum acuminatum
Leathery Sweat BeeLasioglossum coriaceum
Brown-winged Sweat BeeLasioglossum fuscipenne
White-banded Sweat BeeLasioglossum leucozoniumexotic
Band-footed Sweat BeeLasioglossum cinctipes
Admirable Sweat BeeLasioglossum admirandum
White-winged Sweat BeeLasioglossum albipenne
Bruner's Sweat BeeLasioglossum bruneri
Deep-blue Sweat BeeLasioglossum coeruleum
Lasioglossum coreopsis
Cresson's Sweat BeeLasioglossum cressonii
George Eickwort's Sweat BeeLasioglossum georgeickworti
Wide-mouthed Sweat BeeLasioglossum heterognathum
Bristle Sweat BeeLasioglossum imitatum
Lasioglossum katherineae
White-haired Golden Sweat BeeLasioglossum leucocomum
Lineolated Sweat BeeLasioglossum lineatulum
Marine Metallic Sweat BeeLasioglossum marinum
Shiny Black-bellied Sweat BeeLasioglossum nigroviride
Ocean Grove Sweat BeeLasioglossum oceanicum
Oblong Sweat BeeLasioglossum oblongum
Hairy Sweat BeeLasioglossum pilosum
Hoary Sweat BeeLasioglossum pruinosum
Lasioglossum rozeni
Mayflower Sweat BeeLasioglossum smilacinae
Western Green Sweat BeeLasioglossum subviridatum
Wide-shouldered Sweat BeeLasioglossum tegulare
Timothy's Sweat BeeLasioglossum timothyi
Friendless Sweat BeeLasioglossum versans
Experienced Sweat BeeLasioglossum versatum
Viereck's Sweat BeeLasioglossum vierecki
Zephyr Sweat BeeLasioglossum zephyrum
Birkmann's Sweat BeeLasioglossum birkmanni
Water-lily Sweat BeeLasioglossum nelumbonis
Dull-breasted Sweat BeeLasioglossum pectorale
Quebec Sweat BeeLasioglossum quebecense
Typical Mining BeesAndreninae
Carolina Miner BeeAndrena carolina
Azalea Mine BeeAndrena cornelliFrom iNaturalist; also two specimens in BWorks collection.
Cold Miner BeeAndrena frigida
Toothed Miner BeeAndrena mandibularis
Milwaukee Miner BeeAndrena milwaukeensis
Red-faced Miner BeeAndrena rufosignata
Trident Miner BeeAndrena tridens
Aster Miner BeeAndrena asteris
Andrena braccata
Peaceful Miner BeeAndrena placata
Simple Miner BeeAndrena simplex
Hairy-belted Miner BeeAndrena hirticincta
Cloudy-winged Miner BeeAndrena nubecula
Bradley's Miner BeeAndrena bradleyiFairly common early-season species
Yellow-legged Miner BeeAndrena cressonii
Smooth-faced Miner BeeAndrena miserabilis
Carlinville Miner BeeAndrena carlini
Advantaged Miner BeeAndrena commoda
Andrena hilaris
Neighbouring Miner BeeAndrena vicinaCommon
Rose Miner BeeAndrena melanochroa
Andrena neonana
Hawthorn Miner BeeAndrena crataegi
Distant Miner BeeAndrena distans
Alleghany Miner BeeAndrena alleghaniensisFrom iNaturalist
Andrena ilicis
Imitator Miner BeeAndrena imitatrix
Kalmia Miner BeeAndrena kalmiaeFrom iNaturalist
Bumped Miner BeeAndrena nasonii
European Legume Miner BeeAndrena wilkellaexotic
Ceanothus Miner BeeAndrena ceanothi
Eastern Willow Miner BeeAndrena bisalicis
Forbes's Miner BeeAndrena forbesii
Andrena heraclei
Hippotes's Miner BeeAndrena hippotes
Naked Miner BeeAndrena nuda
Wrinkled Miner BeeAndrena rugosa
Goatsbeard Miner BeeAndrena spiraeana
Perplexed Miner BeeAndrena perplexa
Eastern Miner BeeCalliopsis andreniformis
Perdita bradleyi
Eight-spotted Miner BeePerdita octomaculata
Composite Bare-MinerProtandrena compositarum
Melitta melittoidesLocal; oligolect on Lyonia
Northern Rotund Resin BeeAnthidiellum notatum
Wool Carder BeeAnthidium manicatumexotic
Laterally-marked Cuckoo Carder BeeStelis lateralis
Hairy-faced Summer Mason BeeHoplitis pilosifrons
Prolonged Summer Mason BeeHoplitis producta producta
Robber Mason BeeHoplitis spoliata
Square-tailed Mason BeeHoplitis truncata
Maine Blueberry BeeOsmia atriventris
Dwarf Mason BeeOsmia pumila
Similar Mason BeeOsmia simillima
Twig Mason BeeOsmia virga
Hornfaced Mason Bee Osmia cornifronsexotic
Taurus Mason BeeOsmia taurusexotic
Giant Leafcutter BeeMegachile sculpturalisexotic
Bellflower Leafcutter BeeMegachile campanulae
Alfalfa Leafcutter BeeMegachile rotundataexotic
Petulant Leafcutter BeeMegachile petulans
Short Leafcutter BeeMegachile brevis
Beggar Leafcutter BeeMegachile mendica
Texas Leafcutter BeeMegachile texana
Common Leafcutter BeeMegachile centuncularis
Hostile leafcutter beeMegachile inimica sayiFrom iNaturalist
Cranberry Leafcutter BeeMegachile addenda
Small-handed Leafcutter BeeMegachile gemula gemula
Broad-handed Leafcutter BeeMegachile latimanus
Eight-toothed Cuckoo Leafcutter BeeCoelioxys octodentatusFrom iNaturalist
Red-legged Cuckoo Leafcutter BeeCoelioxys rufitarsis
Modest Cuckoo Leafcutter BeeCoelioxys modestusFrom iNaturalist
Coelioxys immaculata
Honey Bees, Bumble Bees, and alliesAPIDAE
Carpenter BeesXylocopinae
Eastern Carpenter BeeXylocopa virginica virginica
Wide-Legged Little Carpenter BeeCeratina calcarata
Common Eastern Little Carpenter BeeCeratina dupla
Mikmaq Little Carpenter BeeCeratina mikmaqi
White-Striped Little Carpenter BeeCeratina strenua
Nomad BeesNomadinae
Armed Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada armatella
Articulated Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada articulata
Beautiful Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada bella
Composite Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada composita
Cresson's Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada cressonii
Denticulate Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada denticulata
Depressed Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada depressa
Illinois Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada illinoensis
Imbricate Cuckoo Nomad Sweat BeeNomada imbricata
Charming Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada lepida
Yellowish Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada luteoloides
Maculated Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada maculata
Ovate Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada ovata
Small Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada parva
Nomada perplexa
Pygmy Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada pygmaea
Nomada rodecki
Say's Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada sayi
Yellow-striped Cuckoo Nomad BeeNomada xanthura
Calliopsis Cuckoo Nomad BeeHolcopasites calliopsidis
Orange Cuckoo Nomad BeeEpeolus autumnalis
Epeolus nr. inornatus
Puny Cuckoo Nomad BeeEpeolus pusillus
Red-chested Cuckoo Nomad BeeEpeolus scutellaris
Triepeolus donatus
White-breasted Cuckoo Nomad BeeTriepeolus pectoralis
Apine BeesApinae
Agile Long-horned BeeMelissodes agilis
Tooth-bellied Long-honred BeeMelissodes dentiventris
Drury's Long-horned BeeMelissodes druriellus
Melissodes subillatus
Three-knotted Long-horned BeeMelissodes trinodis
Thistle Long-horned BeeMelissodes desponsa
Two-spotted Long-horned BeeMelissodes bimaculata
Squash BeePeponapis pruinosa
Walsh's Digger BeeAnthophora walshii
Lemon Cuckoo Bumble BeeBombus citrinus
Yellow Bumble BeeBombus fervidus
Brown-belted Bumble BeeBombus griseocollis
Rusty-patched Bumble BeeBombus affinishistorical records
Two-spotted Bumble BeeBombus bimaculatus
Common Eastern Bumble BeeBombus impatiens
Confusing Bumble BeeBombus perplexus
Sanderson's Bumble BeeBombus sandersoni
Yellow-banded Bumble BeeBombus terricolahistorical records