Scientific Name | Common Name | Notes "N" indicates presence on Noman's Land |
Family Calopterygidae – Broad-winged Damsels | | |
Calopteryx maculata | Ebony Jewelwing | locally common in morainal hills along streams |
Family Lestidae – Spreadwings | | |
Lestes disjunctus | Common Spreadwing | locally common |
Lestes forcipatus | Sweetflag Spreadwing | uncommon |
Lestes congener | Spotted Speadwing | N; locally common |
Lestes dryas | Emerald Spreadwing | historic records only |
Lestes vigilax | Swamp Spreadwing | local |
Lestes eurinus | Amber-winged Spreadwing | local |
Lestes rectangularis | Slender Spreadwing | N; common |
Family Coenagrionidae – Pond Damsels | | |
Chromagrion conditum | Aurora Damsel | local; one known site |
Enallagma civile | Familiar Bluet | N; common to abundant and widespread |
Enallagma cyathigerum | Northern Bluet | locally common |
Enallagma doubledayi | Atlantic Bluet | local; two sites known |
Enallagma durum | Big Bluet | two known sites |
Enallagma laterale | New England Bluet | local; two known sites |
Enallagma traviatum | Slender Bluet | local; two known sites |
Enallagma divagans | Turquoise Bluet | local; one known site |
Enallagma geminatum | Skimming Bluet | locally common |
Enallagma aspersum | Azure Bluet | N; locally common |
Enallagma signatum | Orange Bluet | local |
Amphiagrion saucium | Eastern Red Damsel | three known sites |
Ischnura verticalis | Eastern Forktail | N; common and widespread |
Ischnura ramburii | Rambur’s Forktail | one known site |
Ischnura posita | Fragile Forktail | N; common and widespread |
Ischnura kellicotti | Lilypad Forktail | three known sites |
Ischnura hastata | Citrine Forktail | local and uncommon |
Nehalennia gracilis | Sphagnum Sprite | two known sites |
Argia fumipennis | Variable Dancer | local and not numerous |
Family Aeshnidae - Darners | | |
Epiaeschna heros | Swamp Darner | uncommon transient in late summer |
Aeshna umbrosa | Shadow Darner | uncommon; a few recent records |
Aeshna tuberculifera | Black-tipped Darner | one recent record |
Aeshna clepsydra | Mottled Darner | historical records only |
Aeshna multicolor | Blue-eyed Darner | vagrant; one collected August 20,1943 |
Anax junius | Common Green Darner | N; common to abundant and widespread |
Anax longipes | Comet Darner | uncommon and local; species of Special Concern in MA |
Boyeria vinosa | Fawn Darner | uncommon and local |
Family Gomphidae – Clubtails | | |
Gomphus exilis | Lancet Clubtail | one record in 2003 |
Family Corduliidae – Emeralds | | |
Epitheca spinosa | Robust Baskettail | |
Epitheca cynosure | Common Baskettail | uncommon but reasonably widespread |
Family Libellulidae – Skimmers | | |
Perithernis tenera | Eastern Amberwing | common and widespread |
Pachydiplax longipennis | Blue Dasher | N; common and widespread |
Erytheris simplicicollis | Eastern Pondhawk | N; common and widespread |
Libellula cyanea | Spangled Skimmer | moderately widespread but not particularly common |
Libellula incesta | Slaty Skimmer | widespread and moderately common |
Libellula vibrans | Great Blue Skimmer | sporadic visitor; found in 2004 and 2005 |
Libellula exusta | White Corporal | moderately common and widespread |
Libellula lydia | Common Whitetail | N; common and widespread |
Libellula pulchella | Twelve-spotted Skimmer | N; uncommon but widespread |
Libellula luctosa | Widow Skimmer | very uncommon; known from one site |
Libellula needhami | Needham’s Skimmer | moderately common and widespread |
Libellula semifasciata | Painted Skimmer | N; uncommon and local |
Libellula quadrimaculata | Four-spotted Skimmer | historical records; one 2006 record |
Ladona julia | Chalk-fronted Corporal | One found by Tiasquam River in 2007 |
Celithemis elisa | Calico Pennant | common and widespread |
Erythrodiplax berenice | Seaside Dragonlet | local but common where found |
Sympetrum rubicundulum | Ruby Meadowhawk | N; common to abundant and widespread |
Sympetrum vicinum | Autumn Meadowhawk | N; common and widespread |
Sympetrum costiferum | Saffron-winged Meadowhawk | locally common to abundant |
Sympetrum semicinctum | Band-winged Meadowhawk | very local and uncommon |
Pantala flavescens | Wandering Glider | occasionally common to abundant; widespread |
Pantala hymenaea | Spot-winged Glider | N; local and uncommon |
Tramea carolina | Carolina Saddlebags | N; widespread but not numerous |
Tramea lacerata | Black Saddlebags | N; widespread but not numerous |