Scientific Name | Common Name | Notes |
Order Acipenseriformes | | |
Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus | Atlantic Sturgeon | formerly occasional, now very rare |
Order Albuliformes | | |
Albula vulpes | Bonefish | rare; found once in 1871 |
Order Anguilliformes | | |
Anguilla rostrata | American Eel | common |
Conger oceanicus | Conger Eel | moderately common seasonally |
Muraena retifera | Reticulate Moray Eel | accidental; 1 off Chappaquiddick 1899; the only New England record (Smith 1899) |
Ophichthus cruentifer | Margined Snake Eel | rare |
Order Atheriniformes | | |
Menidia beryllina | Inland Silverside | common |
Menidia menidia | Atlantic Silverside | common |
Order Aulopiformes | | |
Synodus foetens | Inshore Lizardfish | uncommon |
Order Batrachoidiformes | | |
Opsanus tau | Oyster Toadfish | common |
Order Beloniformes | | |
Cheilopogon melanurus | Atlantic Flying Fish | rare; found in 1899 and 1908 |
Exocoetus volitans | Tropical Two-wing Flying Fish | scarce |
Hirundichthys rondeletii | Black Wing Flying Fish | rare; found in 1900 |
Hyporhampus roberti | Slender Halfbeak | uncommon |
Scomberesox saurus | North Atlantic Saury | rare; found in 1905 |
Tylosurus acus | Agujon Needlefish | rare |
Strongylura marina | Silver Gar or Atlantic Needlefish | moderately common |
Order Beryciformes | | |
Sargocentron coruscum | Reef Squirrelfish | very rare; found in 1899 and 1900 |
Order Clupeiformes | | |
Alosa aestivalis | Blueback Herring | common |
Alosa mediocris | Hickory Shad | common |
Alosa pseudoharengus | Alewife | formerly abundant, now moderately common |
Alosa sapidissima | American Shad | formerly common, now uncommon |
Anchoa hepsetus | Broad-striped Anchovy | rare; taken in 1906 |
Anchoa mitchelli | Bay Anchovy | common |
Brevoortia tyrannus | Atlantic Menhaden | common |
Clupea harengus | Atlantic Herring | seasonally common |
Sardinella aurita | Spanish Sardine | rare; taken in 1892,1900, and 1908 |
Dorosoma cepedianum | Atlantic Gizzard Shad | common some years |
Engraulis encrasicolus | European Anchovy | variably common; an Eastern Atlantic species |
Etrumeus teres | Atlantic Round Herring | rare; taken in 1905 and 1908 |
Opisthonema oglinum | Atlantic Thread Herring | very rare; taken 1885, 1901, and 1902 |
Order Cyprinodontiformes | | |
Fundulus diaphanous | Banded Killifish | common |
Fundulus heteroclitus | Mummichog | common |
Fundulus majalis | Striped Killifish | common |
Cyprinodon variegatus | Sheepshead Minnow | common |
Lucania parva | Rainwater Killifish | common |
Order Elopiformes | | |
Elops saurus | Ladyfish | moderately common |
Megalops atlanticus | Tarpon | uncommon to rare |
Order Gadiformes | | |
Brosme brosme | Cusk | very rare |
Gadus morhua | Atlantic Cod | formerly common now rare |
Gaidropsarus argentatus | Arctic Rockling | rare |
Melanogrammus aeglefinus | Haddock | formerly uncommon now rare |
Merluccius bilinearis | Silver Hake | variably uncommon to common; formerly common |
Microgadus tomcod | Atlantic Tomcod | common |
Nezumia bairdii | Marlin-spike Grenadier | very rare; found once in, 1882 |
Pollachius virens | Pollock | formerly common; now uncommon to rare |
Urophycis chuss | Red Hake | common but less so than formerly |
Urophycis regia | Spotted Hake | rare |
Urophycis tenuis | White Hake | common |
Order Gasterosteiformes | | |
Apeltes quadracus | Fourspine Stickleback | common |
Gasterosteus aculeatus | Threespine Stickleback | common |
Gasterosteus wheatlandi | Blackspotted Stickleback | uncommon |
Pungitius pungitius | North American Ninespine Stickleback | common |
Order Lophiiformes | | |
Histrio histrio | Sargassum Fish | irregular; only found with floating Sargassum weed |
Lophius americanus | Goosefish | common |
Order Ophidiiformes | | |
Ophidion marginatum | Striped Cusk-eel | rare; one found in 2001 |
Order Osmeriformes | | |
Osmerus mordax | Rainbow Smelt | formerly common now rare |
Order Perciformes | | |
Acanthurus bahianus | Ocean Surgeonfish | rare |
Acantuhurus coeruleus | Blue Tang Surgeonfish | rare |
Acanthurus chirurgus | Doctorfish | uncommon |
Alectis ciliaris | African Pompano | very rare; one found in 1999 |
Alectis crinitus | Threadfin | rare |
Amodytes americanus | Sand Launce | abundant to common |
Anarhichas lupus | Atlantic Wolffish | rare |
Apogon maculatus | Flamefish | rare; found in 1899 |
Apogon pesudomaculatus | Twospot Cardinalfish | one record, 2023 from Lambert's Cove (iNaturalist) |
Archosargus probatocephalus | Sheepshead | uncommon |
Auxis rochei | Bullet Tuna | uncommon |
Auxis thazard | Frigate Mackerel | rare; one found in 1885 |
Brama brama | Atlantic Pomfret | rare; found near Noman’s Land in 1904 |
Caranx bartholomaei | Yellow Jack | rare; found in 1908 |
Caranx crysos | Blue Runner | uncommon |
Caranx hippos | Cravalle Jack | uncommon |
Caranx sexfasciatus | Big-eye Trevally | uncommon to rare |
Centropristis striata | Black Sea Bass | common |
Pomacanthus arcuatus | Gray Angelfish | very rare; one record |
Chaetodipterus faber | Atlantic Spadefish | very rare; one found in 1906 |
Chaetodon capistratus | Foureye Butterflyfish | variably rare to absent |
Chaetodon ocellatus | Spotfin Butterflyfish | uncommon |
Coryphaena hippurus | Dolphin | uncommon |
Cryptacanthodes maculatus | Wrymouth | rare; one found in 1900 |
Cynoscion regalis | Weakfish | common |
Decapturus macarellus | Mackerel Scad | seasonally common |
Decapturus punctatus | Round Scad | rare; found in 1908 |
Epinephelus adscensionis | Rock Hind | rare; one found in 1899 |
Epinephelus morio | Red Grouper | rare; found in 1899 and 1900 |
Epinephelus nigritus | Warsaw Grouper | rare; one found in 1899 |
Epinephelus niveatus | Snowy Grouper | variably common to uncommon |
Euthynnus alletteratus | Little Tunny | common |
Gobiosoma bosci | Naked Goby | rare; found in 1906 |
Gobiosoma ginsburgi | Seaboard Goby | uncommon |
Hyperoglyphe perciformis | Barrelfish | common |
Katsuwonus pelamis | Skipjack Tuna | very rare; found once in 1878 |
Kyphosus spectator | Bermuda Sea Chub | rare; found in 1906 |
Lagodon rhomboides | Pinfish | rare |
Leistomus xanthurus | Spot | uncommon |
Lobotes surinamensis | Atlantic Tripletail | very rare; found in 1873, 1875, 1886, and 1890 |
Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps | Tilefish | uncommon to rare off Noman’s Land |
Lutjanus analis | Mutton Snapper | rare; found 1899 and 1900 |
Lutjanus apodus | Schoolmaster Snapper | rare; found 1900 and 1901 |
Lutjanus campechanus | Northern Red Snapper | rare; found 1890 and 1900 |
Lutjanus griseus | Gray Snapper | rare; found 1897, 1900, and 1906 |
Lycodes lavalaei | Arctic Ocean Pout | very rare; only known record south of Maine |
Zoarces americanus | Ocean Pout | uncommon |
Makaira nigricans | Blue Marlin | uncommon |
Menticirrhus saxatilis | Northern Kingfish | variably uncommon to common |
Morone americana | White Perch | common |
Morone saxatilis | Striped Bass | common |
Mugil cephalus | Striped Mullet | common seasonally |
Mugil curema | White Mullet | common seasonally |
Mullus auratus | Red Goatfish | uncommon |
Mycteroperca bonaci | Black Grouper | rare; found in 1899 |
Mycteroperca interstitialis | Yellowmouth Grouper | rare; found in 1899 and 1900 |
Nomeus gronovii | Man-o-war Fish | rare; found in 1889 and 1894 |
Ocyurus chrysurus | Yellowtail Snapper | very rare; found in 1900 |
Oligoplites saurus | Leatherjack | very rare; found in 1874 and 1875 |
Orthopristis chrysoptera | Pigfish | very rare; found in 1908 |
Paracanthurus hepatus | Palette Surgeonfish | uncommon |
Peprilus paru | Harvest Fish | rare |
Peprilus triacanthus | Butterfish | common |
Pholis gunnellus | Rock Gunnel | common |
Polydactylus octonemus | Eight-threaded Threadfin | very rare; taken in 1908 |
Pomatomus saltatrix | Bluefish | common |
Priacanthus arenatus | Atlantic Bigeye | rare |
Pristigenys alta | Short Bigeye | rare |
Rachycentron canadum | Cobia | rare |
Remora brachyptera | Spearfish Remora | uncommon to rare |
Sarda sarda | Atlantic Bonito | variably common |
Scarus iseri | Striped Parrotfish | rare; 2 found in 1900 |
Scomber colias | Atlantic Chub Mackerel | uncommon |
Scomber scombrus | Atlantic Mackerel | common |
Scomberomorus cavalla | King Mackerel | uncommon to rare |
Scomberomorus maculatus | Spanish Mackerel | common |
Selar crumenophthalmus | Bigeye Scad | common seasonally |
Selene dorsalis | African Moonfish | rare [possibly conspecific with S. setipinnis] |
Selene setipinnis | Atlantic Moonfish | rare |
Selene vomer | Lookdown | rare |
Seriola lalandi | Yellowtail Amberjack | uncommon |
Seriola zonata | Banded Rudderfish | uncommon |
Sphyraena borealis | Northern Sennet | uncommon |
Stegastes leucostictus | Beaugregory | rare; one found in 1899 |
Stenotomus chrysops | Scup | common |
Tautoga onitis | Tautog | common |
Tautogolabrus adspersus | Cunner | common |
Tetragonurus cuvieri | Smalleye Squaretail | rare; one found in 1899 |
Tetrapturus albidus | White Marlin | uncommon to rare |
Thunnus albacares | Yellowfin Tuna | common offshore |
Thunnus alalonga | Albacore Tuna | common offshore |
Thunnus obesus | Bigeye Tuna | common offshore |
Thunnus thynnus | Bluefin Tuna | common offshore |
Trachinotus carolinus | Florida Pompano | uncommon |
Trachinotus falcatus | Permit | uncommon |
Trichiurus lepturus | Largehead Hairtail | uncommon |
Ulvaria subbifurcata | Radiated Shanny | rare |
Xiphias gladius | Swordfish | formerly moderately common; decreasing to rare |
Order Pleuronectiformes | | |
Bothus ocellatus | Eyed Flounder | rare; found in 1906 |
Gymnachirus nudus | Naked Sole | rare; one found in 1906 |
Hippoglossoides platessoides | American Plaice | uncommon |
Hippoglossus hippoglossus | Atlantic Halibut | formerly common now rare |
Lamanda ferruginea | Yellowtail Flounder | common |
Scophthalmus aquosus | Windowpane Flounder | common |
Paralichthys dentatus | Summer Flounder | common though less so than formerly |
Paralichthys oblongus | Fourspot Flounder | common |
Etropus microstomus | Smallmouth Flounder | found at Inkwell Beach in 2018 and 2-19 using eDNA technique discussed in introduction |
Pseudopleuronectes americanus | Winter Flounder | common |
Trinectes maculatus | Hogchoker | uncommon to rare |
Order Salmoniformes | | |
Salmo salar | Atlantic Salmon | rare |
Order Scorpaeniformes | | |
Cyclopterus lumpus | Lumpfish | uncommon |
Hemitripterus americanus | Sea Raven | uncommon |
Liparis atlanticus | Atlantic Sea Snail | rare |
Liparis liparis | Striped Sea Snail | uncommon |
Myoxocephalus anaeus | Grubby Sculpin | common |
Myoxocephalus scorpius | Shorthorn Sculpin | |
Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus | Longhorn Sculpin | common |
Prionotus carolinus | Northern Sea Robin | common |
Prionotus evolans | Striped Sea Robin | common |
Scorpaena grandicornis | Plumed Scorpionfish | very rare; one found in 1899 |
Order Siluriformes | | |
Bagre marinus | Gafftopsail Sea Catfish | rare; taken in 1871,1886, and 1906 |
Order Syngnathiformes | | |
Fistularia tabacaria | Trumpetfish | rare; taken in 1906 |
Hippocampus erectus | Lined Seahorse | uncommon |
Syngnathus fuscus | Pipefish | uncommon |
Order Tetraodontiformes | | |
Acanthostracion quadricornis | Scrawled Cowfish | rare |
Aluterus monoceros | Unicorn Leatherjacket | rare |
Aluterus schoepfi | Orange Filefish | rare |
Balistes capriscus | Gray Triggerfish | uncommon but regular |
Balistes vetula | Queen Triggerfish | uncommon to rare |
Canthidermis sufflamen | Ocean Triggerfish | rare; one found in 1897 |
Chilomycterus antillarum | Web Burrfish | rare; found in 1899 and 1911 |
Cyclichthys schoepfi | Striped Burrfish | irregular |
Lactophrys trigonus | Buffalo Trunkfish | uncommon |
Lactophrys triqueter | Smooth Trunkfish | rare; found in 1899 |
Lagocephalus laevigatus | Smooth Puffer | uncommon |
Mola mola | Ocean Sunfish | uncommon to rare |
Sphoeroides maculatus | Northern Puffer | common |
Sphoeroides spengleri | Bandtail Southern Puffer | very rare; found in 1899 and 1900 |
Stephanolepis hispidus | Planehead Filefish | very rare; found in 1899 |