Subfamily ERISTALINAE | | | |
Tribe Brachyopini | | | |
Subtribe Brachyopina | | | |
Orthonevra | nitida | Wavy Mucksucker | |
Tribe Cerioidini | | | |
Ceriana | abbreviata | Northern Wasp Fly | |
Tribe Eristalini | | | |
Subtribe Eristalina | | | |
Eristalinus | aeneus | Common Lagoon Fly | |
Eristalis | anthophorina | Orange-spotted Drone Fly | |
Eristalis | arbustorum | European Drone Fly | I; strongly associated with farms on MV |
Eristalis | dimidiata | Black-shouldered Drone Fly | |
Eristalis | saxorum | Blue-polished Drone Fly | One record. |
Eristalis | tenax | Common Drone Fly | I |
Eristalis | transversa | Transverse-banded Drone Fly | |
Subtribe Helophilina | | | |
Eurimyia | stipata | Long-nosed Swamp Fly | |
Helophilus | fasciatus | Narrow-headed Marsh Fly | Common |
Mallota | bautias | Bare-eyed Mimic Fly | |
Mallota | posticata | Hairy-eyed Mimic Fly | |
Parhelophilus | integer | Shiny Bog Fly | |
Polydontomyia | curvipes | Dimorphic Sickleleg | |
Tribe Merodontini | | | |
Eumerus | sp. | | |
Merodon | equestris | Narcissus Bulb Fly | I; variable in coloration |
Tribe Milesiini | | | |
Subtribe Blerina | | | |
Blera | analis | Orange-tailed Wood Fly | |
Somula | decora | Spotted Wood Fly | |
Subtribe Milesiina | | | |
Milesia | virginiensis | Virginia Giant | |
Spilomyia | alcimus | Broad-banded Hornet Fly | |
Spilomyia | longicornis | Eastern Hornet Fly | |
Subtribe Sericomyiina | | | |
Sericomyia | chrysotoxoides | Oblique-banded Pond Fly | |
Teuchocnemis | lituratus | Black Spur Fly | |
Subtribe Tropiniina | | | |
Syritta | pipiens | Common Compost Fly | I; widespread and abundant |
Subtribe Xylotina | | | |
Brachypalpus | oarus | Eastern Catkin Fly | |
Chalcosyrphus | chalybeus | Violet Leaf Walker | |
Chalcosyrphus | libo | Long-haired Leaf Walker | |
Chalcosyrphus | piger | Short-haired Leaf Walker | |
Tribe Rhingiini | | | |
Subtribe Cheilosiina | | | |
Cheilosia | | Blacklets | |
Ferdinandea | buccata | Common Copperback | |
Subfamily MICRODONTINAE | | | |
Tribe Microdontini | | | |
Microdon | fulgens | Rainbow Ant Fly | One observation in iNaturalist |
Microdon | sp. | | One observation in iNaturalist, probably subgenus Microdon |
Subfamily SYRPHINAE | | | |
Tribe Bacchini | | | |
Platycheirus | quadratus | Meadow Sedgesitter | |
Tribe Melanostomini | | | |
Melanostoma | mellinum | Variable Duskyface | |
Tribe Paragini | | | |
Paragus | haemorrhous | Black-backed Grass Skimmer | |
Tribe Syrphini | | | |
Allograpta | obliqua | Oblique Stripetail | |
Epistrophella | emarginata | Slender Smoothtail | |
Eupeodes | americanus complex | Long-tailed Aphideater/Short-tailed Aphideater | |
Paragus | haemorrhous | | |
Parasyrphus | sp. | Bristleside Fly | |
Sphaerophoria | contigua | Tufted Globetail | |
Sphaerophoria | philanthus | Black-footed Globetail | |
Syrphus | rectus | Yellow-legged Flower Fly | |
Syrphus | torvus | Hairy-eyed Flower Fly | |
Tribe Toxomerini | | | |
Toxomerus | geminatus | Eastern Calligrapher | Abundant |
Toxomerus | marginatus | Margined Calligrapher | Abundant |
Toxomerus | politus | Maize Calligrapher | |
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