Suborder CAELIFERA, Short-horned Orthoptera | | |
Family Acrididae, Short-horned Grasshoppers | | |
Subfamily Cyrtacanthacridinae, Bird Grasshoppers | | |
Schistocerca alutacea | Leather-colored Bird Grasshopper | Morse 1920. No recent records; current knowledge suggests that many old S. alutacea records may actually reflect S. lineata. |
Schistocerca americana | American Bird Grasshopper | One individual, undoubtedly an accidental import, was found in a package of broccoli bought at a Vineyard market in January 2024. |
Schistocerca nitens | Gray Bird Grasshopper | Found at a nursery in West Tisbury 2022, evidently imported on plants from California. |
Subfamily Gomphocerinae, Stridulating Slant-faced Grasshoppers | | |
Chloeatis conspersa | Sprinkled Broad-winged Grasshopper | Uncommon |
Orphulella pelidna | Spot-winged Grasshopper | Common |
Orphulella speciosa | Pasture Grasshopper | Uncommon |
Pseudopomala brachyptera | Short-winged Toothpick Grasshopper | Rare |
Subfamily Oedipodinae, Band-winged Grasshoppers | | |
Arphia sulphurea | Sulfur-winged Grasshopper | Common, overwinters as nymph |
Arphia xanthoptera | Autumn Yellow-winged Grasshopper | Local |
Chortophaga viridifasciata | Northern Green-striped Grasshopper | Widespread and abundant, overwinters as nymph |
Encoptolophus sordidus | Clouded Grasshopper | Local, only one known population |
Dissosteira carolina | Carolina Grasshopper | Widespread and common |
Psinidia fenestralis | Longhorn Band-winged Grasshopper | Local |
Spharagemon bolli | Boll’s Grasshopper | Local |
Spharagemon collare | Mottled Sand Grasshopper | Morse 1920, no recent records |
Spharagemon marmorata | Marbled Grasshopper | Morse 1920 [Scirtetica marmorata], no recent records |
Trimerotropis maritima | Seaside Grasshopper | Common in dune grass |
Subfamily Melanoplinae, Spur-throated Grasshoppers | | |
Hesperotettix viridis | Meadow Purple-striped Grasshopper | Uncommon |
Melanoplus bivittatus | Two-striped Grasshopper | Common |
Melanoplus differentialis | Differential Grasshopper | Uncommon, associated with ruderal habitat |
Melanoplus fasciatus | Huckleberry Spur-throated Grasshopper | Uncommon |
Melanoplus femurrubrum | Red-legged Grasshopper | Widespread and abundant |
Melanoplus keeleri | Keeler’s Grasshopper | Locally common |
Melanoplus punctulatus | Pinetree Spur-throated Grasshopper | Uncommon |
Family Tetrigidae, Pygmy Grasshoppers | | |
Subfamily Batrachideinae, Pygmy Grasshoppers | | |
Tettigidea lateralis | Black-sided Pygmy Grasshopper | One record (Aquinnah). Possibly overlooked. |
Subfamily Tetriginae, Pygmy Grasshoppers | | |
Nomotettix cristatus | Crested Pygmy Grasshopper | Uncommon, most records from Correllus State Forest |
Tetrix ornata | Ornate Grouse Locust | Found in a strawberry field in West Tisbury, 2022; possibly imported with plants |
Tetrix subulata | Awls-shaped Pygmy Grasshopper | One record (Aquinnah). Possibly overlooked. |
Family Tridactylidae | | |
Subfamily Tridactylinae | | |
Neotridactylus apicialis | Larger Pygmy Mole Grasshopper | |
Suborder ENSIFERA, Long-horned Orthoptera | | |
Family Tetigoniidae, Katydids | | |
Subfamily Conocephalinae, Meadow Katydids | | |
Conocephalus brevipennis | Short-winged Meadow Katydid | Common |
Conocephalus fasciatus | Slender Meadow Katydid | Uncommon |
Concephalus spartinae | Saltmarsh Meadow Katydid | Common to abundant in Spartina habitat |
Conocephalus strictus | Straight-lanced Meadow Katydid | Common |
Orchelimum concinnum | Stripe-faced Meadow Katydid | Morse 1920, no recent records |
Orchelimum minore | Lesser Pine Katydid | Uncommon |
Orchelimum vulgare | Common Meadow Katydid | Common |
Neoconocephalus ensiger | Sword-bearing Conehead Katydid | Rare, two records (Edgartown and West Tisbury) |
Neoconocephalus retusus | Round-tipped Conehead | Common |
Neoconocephalus robustus | Robust Conehead | Uncommon in weedy areas and, oddly, dunes with Ammophila grass. |
Neoconocephalus triops | Broad-tipped Conehead | Two individuals found December 2021/January 2022. Presumed to have been imported, perhaps on fresh produce |
Subfamily Meconematinae, Quiet-Calling Katydids | | |
Meconema thalassinum | Drumming Katydid | Uncommon; non-native |
Subfamily Phaneropterinae, False Katydids | | |
Amblycorypha rotundifolia | Rattler Round-winged Katydid | Uncommon; there are several "research grade" observations of this species from Martha's Vineyard in iNaturalist. |
Amblycorypha sp. | One, possibly more long-winged species | Uncommon |
Microcentrum rhombifolium | Greater Anglewing | Uncommon and possibly recently established here. |
Microcentrum retinerve | Lesser Anglewing | Two research-grade records in iNaturalist, one from a West Tisbury garden center, one from downtown Edgartown. Both individuals were likely imported but eventual establishment of this species seems possible. |
Scudderia curvicauda | Curve-tailed Bush Katydid | Uncommon. Most or all Vineyard records are from scrub oak habitat in Correllus State Forest. |
Scudderia furcata | Fork-tailed Bush Katydid | Common to locally abundant. Seems to prefer scrub oak habitat but occurs quite widely across Martha's Vineyard. |
Scudderia septentrionalis | Northern Bush Katydid | Rare to uncommon |
Subfamily Pseudophyllinae, True Katydids | | |
Pterophylla camellifolia | Common True Katydid | Locally common |
Subfamily Tettigoniinae, Predaceous Katydids | | |
Atlanticus americanus | American Shieldback | Uncommon |
Family Gryllidae, True Crickets | | |
Subfamily Gryllinae, Field Crickets | | |
Gryllus pennsylvanicus | Spring Field Cricket | Common |
Gryllus veletis | Fall Field Cricket | Common |
Subfamily Hapithinae, Bush Crickets | | |
Hapithus saltator | Jumping Bush Cricket | Common, often in ruderal habitat |
Subfamily Oecanthinae, Tree Crickets | | |
Neoxabea bipunctata | Two-spotted tree cricket | Common |
Oecanthus exclamationis | Davis's Tree Cricket | Rare to uncommon; one specimen, one heard record |
Oecanthus fultoni | Snowy Tree Cricket | Surprisingly scarce; often in ruderal areas |
Oecanthus latipennis | Broad-winged Tree Cricket | One record, Tisbury (iNaturalist). Given the agicultural setting of this record, it may reflect an accidental import. |
Oecanthus nigricornis | Black-horned Tree Cricket | Locally common, mostly in shrub swamp |
Oecanthus pini | Pine Tree Cricket | Uncommon |
Oecanthus niveus | Narrow-winged Tree Cricket | Fairly common, widespread |
Oecanthus quadripunctatus | Four-spotted Tree Cricket | Fairly common |
Family Trigonidiinae, Trigs and Ground Crickets | | |
Subfamily Nemobiinae, Ground Crickets | | |
Allonemobius allardi | Allard’s Ground Cricket | Widespread and common |
Allonemobius fasciatus | Striped Ground Cricket | Common, mostly wet habitats |
Allonemobius tinnulus | Tinkling Ground Cricket | Uncommon to common, often in oak woodland |
Eunemobius carolinus | Carolina Ground Cricket | Common, often in ruderal habitat |
Neonemobius palustris | Sphagnum Ground Cricket | One record, Aquinnah, but possibly overlooked |
Family Gryllotalpidae, Mole Crickets | | |
Subfamily Gryllotalpinae, Mole Crickets | | |
Neocurtilla hexadactyla | Northern Mole Cricket | The most recent records are several decades old |
Family Rhaphidophoridae, Camel Crickets | | |
Subfamily Ceuthophilinae, Camel Crickets | | |
Ceutophilus sp. | Camel Cricket | Uncommon, unknown species |
Subfamily Aemodogryllinae, Cave Crickets | | |
Tachycines asynamorus | Greenhouse Camel Cricket | Most or all regional records come from basements of human structures. |