Scientific Name | Authors | Notes |
Mosses, Phylum Bryophyta | | |
Family Amblystegiaceae | | |
Amblystegium serpens | Schimp. in B.S.G. var. serpens | Tree bases. |
Amblystegium serpens var. juratzkanum | (Schimp.) Rau & Herv. | In a concrete foundation and at the base of a tree. |
Campylium polygamum | (Schimp.) C.E.O. Jensen | Pond shore. |
Drepanocladus aduncus var. kneiffii | (Schimp.) Mönk. | Dry pond shore in moist sand. |
Leptodictyum riparium | (Hedw.) Warnst. | Shores of fresh water ponds; submersed in streams; on a concrete dam. |
Leptodictyum trichopodium | (Schultz) Warnst. | Soil. |
Platylomella lescurii | (Sull. in Gray) Andrews | Rocks in stream bed |
Warnstorfia exannulata | (Schimp. in B.S.G.) Loeske | Submersed in water of a fen. |
Warnstorfia fluitans | (Hedw.) Loeske | On muck at edge of pond. |
Hygroamblystegium tenax | (Hedw.) Jenn. | Along stream on rock by seep in willow thicket with standing water. |
Hygrohypnum ochraceum | (Turner ex Wilson) Loeske | Mucky seep, wet rock at edge of stream. |
Family Anomodontaceae | | |
Anomodon attenuates | (Hedw.) Hüb. | Tree bases. |
Anomodon rostratus | (Hedw.) Schimp. | Tree bases. |
Family Aulacomniacae | | |
Aulacomnium palustre | (Hedw.) Schwaegr. | Peat banks along streams. |
Family Bartramiaceae | | |
Philonotis fontana | (Hedw.) Brid. | Soil along streams. |
Family Brachytheciaceae | | |
Brachythecium acuminatum | (Hedw.) | Bark of large Quercus alba. |
Brachythecium campestre | (Müll. Hal.) Schimp. | Base of Nyssa tree. |
Brachythecium digastrum | Müll. Hal. ex Kindb. | Base of deciduous tree. |
Brachythecium oxycladon | (Brid.) A. Jaeger | Sandy soil on stone. |
Brachythecium rivulare | Schimp. | Mucky seep and soil. |
Brachythecium rutabulum | (Hedw.) Schimp. in B.S.G. | Tree bases wet logs at edge of Ponds; wet rocks in stream beds; on mortar; in lawns. |
Brachythecium salebrosum | (Web. & Mohr) Schimp. in B.S.G. | Tree bases. |
Brachythecium velutinum | (Hedw.) Schimp. | Rock in stream along trail in deciduous forest. |
Bryhnia novae-angliae | (Sull. & Lesq. in Sull.) Grout | Wet humus and sandy soil along Brooks; humus in seeps. |
Bryoandersonia illecebra | (Hedw.) Robins. | Tree bases. |
Homalotheciella subcapillata | (Hedw.) Broth. | Tree bases. |
Pseudoscleropodium purum | (Hedw.) M. Fleisch. | In lawn grasses. |
Rhychostegium serrulatum | (Hedw.) Jaeg. | Tree bases; forest soil; lawns. |
Family Bryaceae | | |
Bryum argentum | Hedw. | Dry soil over concrete and track. |
Family Buxbaumiaceae | | |
Buxbaumia aphylla | Hedw. | Sandy soil in sparse dry forests. |
Family Calliergonaceae | | |
Straminergon stramineum | (Dicks ex Brid.) Hedenäs | Wet peat along beach swale. |
Family Climaciaceae | | |
Climacium americanum | Brid. | Soil; open wet forest. |
Climacium kindbergii | (Renauld & Cardot) Grout | Bark of tree at high water mark. |
Family Dicranaceae | | |
Dicranella heteromalla | (Hedw.) Schimp. | Soil of tip-up mounds and trailside banks in forests. |
Dicranum condensatum | Hedw. | Low cushions in open sand plains. |
Dicranum flagellare | Hedw. | Side of peat hummock; bark at tree base. |
Dicranum fulvum | Hook. | Granite boulders; bark near base of tree. |
Dicranum montanum | Hedw. | Granite boulders on forest floor and stone walls. |
Dicranum polysetum | Sw. | Cushion on forest floor beneath pine. |
Dicranum scoparium | Hedw. | Soil under shrubs and in lawns. |
Family Diphysiaceae | | |
Diphyscium foliosum | (Hedw.) Mohr | Sandy silty soil; road and trailside banks. |
Family Ditrichaceae | | |
Ceratodon purpureus | (Hedw.) Brid. | Lawns and weedy places. |
Ditrichum lineare | (Sw.) Lindb. | Mineral soil; base of seaside bluffs and along trails and trackways. |
Ditrichum pallidum | (Hedw.) Hampe | Sandy soil in open sandy plain, deciduous forest, lawns. |
Family Entodontaceae | | |
Entodon cladorrhizans | (Hedw.) Müll. Hal. | Base of Quercus alba. |
Entodon seductrix | (Hedw.) Müll. Hal. | Root mass of willow tree. |
Family Ephemeraceae | | |
Ephemerum crassinervium | (Schwägr.) Hampe | Open and partly shaded lawns. |
Micromitrium megalosporum | Austin | Dry pond bottom, mucky soil |
Micromitrium tenerum | (Bruch & Schimp.) Crosby | Wet sand, moist organic soil. |
Family Fontinalaceae | | |
Fontinalis antipyretica | Hedw. var. gigantea (Sull.) Sull. | Submersed in flowing stream water. |
Fontinalis flaccida | Renauld & Cardot | In stream in deciduous forest. |
Fontinalis novae-angliae | Sull. | On dry will twigs. |
Fontinalis cf. novae-angliae | Sull. | On submerged rocks. |
Family Funariaceae | | |
Funaria hygrometrica | Hedw. | Soil between terrace flagstones. |
Physcomitrium pyriforme | (Hedw.) Hampe | Road bed, moist soil. |
Family Grimmiaceae | | |
Racomitrium aciculare | (Hedw.) Brid. | On submerged rocks in pond and stream. |
Schistidium apocarpum | (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp. | On stone and concrete walls. |
Schistidium dupretii | (Thér.) W.A. Weber | Mortar and stone wall. |
Family Hedwigiaceae | | |
Hedwigia ciliata | (Hedw.) P. Beauv. | Boulders in forests. |
Family Helodiaceae | | |
Helodium paludosum | (Austin) Broth. | Edge of wet meadow, decorticated log, soil among graminoids and forbs. |
Family Hylocomiaceae | | |
Pleurozium schreberi | (Brid.) Mitt. | Forest floor below Norway spruce; lawns. |
Family Hypnaceae | | |
Callicladium haldanianum | (Grev.) Crum | Tree bases and granite boulders. |
Calliergonella lindbergii | (Hypnum lindbergii Mitt.) | Soil along trail. |
Herzogiella striatella | (Brid.) Iwats. | Side of peat mound and shrub bases; stream headwaters. |
Hypnum cupressiforme | Hedw. var. cupressiforme | Tree bases; granite boulders in stone walls and streambeds; lawns. |
Hypnum cupressiforme var. filiforme | Brid. | Growing downward on tree bases. |
Hypnum curvifolium | Hedw. | Lawn. |
Hypnum imponens | Hedw. | Soil and boulders in deciduous and pine-oak forests and stone walls. |
Hypnum lindbergii | Mitt. | Forest and shrub land, lawn under sparse tree cover. |
Hypnum pallescens | (Hedw.) P. Beauv. | Tree bases and boulders. |
Isopterygium tenerum | (Sw.) Mitt. | Base of willow tree, pond shore on rocks. |
Platygyrium repens | (Brid.) Schimp. in B.S.G. | Tree bark. |
Pseudotaxiphyllum elegans | (Brid.) Iwats. | Forested slope; brook ravine; peaty soil in mesic forest; stream headwaters. |
Family Leucobryaceae | | |
Leucobryum albidum | (Brid. ex P. Beauv.) Lindb. | Soil; pine-oak forests; lawns. |
Leucobryum glaucum | (Hedw.) Ångstr. in Fries | Soil in forest. |
Family Mniaceae | | |
Mnium hornum | Hedw. | Muck under shrubs at edge of freshwater pond; soil along streams in headwater areas. |
Plagiomnium cuspidatum | (Hedw.) T. Kop. | Tree bases; soil in dry and mesic forests. |
Pohlia annotina var. decipiens | Loeske | Silty sand bank, sand at base of bluff. |
Pohlia lescuriana | (Sull.) Grout | Soil between terrace flagstones. |
Pohlia nutans | (Hedw.) Lindb. | Shade slope, silty sand, trailside bank. |
Pohlia wahlenbergii | (Web. & Mohr) Andrews | Shaded lawn. |
Pseudobryum cinclidioides | (Huebener) T.J. Kop. | Mucky seeps. |
Family Orthotrichaceae | | |
Orthotrichum anomalum | Hedw. | Low stone wall at edge of lawn. |
Orthotrichum stellatum | Brid. | Bark of deciduous trees, streamside forests, and trees along roads. |
Ulota crispa | (Hedw.) Brid. | Tree bark in dry to mesic forests. |
Ulota hutchinsiae | (Sm.) Hammar | Granite boulders in forests. |
Family Plagiotheciaceae | | |
Plagiothecium laetum | Schimp. in B.S.G. | Organic soil in dry forest. |
Plagiothecium latebricola | Schimp. | On rotting wood, willow tree base. |
Family Polytrichaceae | | |
Atrichum alticristatum | (Ren. & Card.) Smyth & Smyth | Forested slopes; brook ravines. |
Atrichum angustatum | (Brid.) Bruch & Schimp. in B.S.G. | Sandy soil along trails in deciduous forests. |
Atrichum crispum | (James) Sull. | Soil in mesic forests and stream headwaters. |
Pogonatum pensilvanicum | (Bartram ex Hedw.) P. Beauv. | Moist sandy soil bank. |
Polytrichum commune | Hedw. var. commune | Soil along trails in dry forests, lawns. |
Polytrichum juniperinum | Hedw. | Soil in pine-oak forest. |
Polytrichum ohioense | Ren. & Card. | Forested slopes, brook ravines. |
Polytrichum piliferum | Hedw. | Sandy soil in exposed places, roadsides and lawns. |
Family Pottiaceae | | |
Acaulon muticum | (Schreb. Ex Hedw.) Müll. Hal. | Open, partly shaded lawn. |
Barbula unguiculate | Hedw. | Disturbed sandy silty soil. |
Tortella humilis | (Hedw.) Jenn. | On concrete stone wall. |
Weissia controversa | Hedw. | Soil in cemetery. |
Family Ptychomitriaceae | | |
Ptychomitrium serratum | Bruch & Schimp. | On concrete. |
Family Sematophyllaceae | | |
Pylaisiadelpha tenuirostris | (Bruch & Schimp. ex Sull.) Buck | Granite boulders, in stonewalls. |
Sematophyllum adnatum | (Michx.) Britt. | On granite boulder in deciduous forest. |
Family Sphagnaceae | | |
Sphagnum affine | Ren. & Card. | Moist soil along trail in pine-oak forest. |
Sphagnum atlanticum | R.E. Andrus | In muck and standing water in wetlands and pond edges. |
Sphagnum capillifolium | (Ehrh.) Hedw. | Bank along brook, moist soil along trail in pine-oak forest. |
Sphagnum fallax | (Klingrr.) Klingrr. | Muck at edge of brook; peaty humus in stream headwaters, carpets under shrubs at edge of freshwater ponds, side of peat mounds under shrubs. |
Sphagnum fimbriatum | Wils. in Wils. & Hook. | Low carpet among graminoids; open fen mat. |
Sphagnum henryense | Warnst. | Open fen among shrubs |
Sphagnum lescurii | Sull. in Gray | Wet sand; open edges of freshwater ponds near ocean and inland; fen mats. |
Sphagnum magellanicum | Brid. | Open area among shrubs. |
Sphagnum palustre | L. | Beneath shrubs at edge of freshwater pond; moist soil along trails under pine-oak forest. |
Sphagnum papillosum | Lindb. | Low carpets; open fen mat. |
Sphagnum recurvum | P. Beauv. | Along brooks on muck, moist soil along trails under pine-oak forest; open fen mats in wet hollows. |
Sphagnum subsecundum var. rufescens | (Nees & Hornsch.) Huebener | Wet swale behind beach, wet peat. |
Sphagnum torreyanum | Sull. | Dry vernal pond under forest cover; submersed at edge of freshwater pond. |
Sphagnum trinitense | Müll. Hal. | On dried pond shore, in muck at edge of pond. |
Family Tetraphidaceae | | |
Tetraphis pellucida | Hedw. | Forested slopes, brook ravine, rotting stumps and mesic soil banks beneath forest cover. |
Family Theliaceae | | |
Thelia asprella | Sull. in Sull. & Lesq. | Tree bases, especially of white oak. |
Thelia hirtella | (Hedw.) Sull. in Sull. & Lesq. | Tree bases especially of white oak; shaded concrete. |
Family Thuidiaceae | | |
Rauiella scita | (P. Beauv.) Reimers | Base of Quercus alba. |
Thuidium delicatulum | (Hedw.) Schimp. in B.S.G. | Sandy soil in mesic forests. |
Liverworts, Phylum Marchantiophyta | | |
Family Adelanthaceae | | |
Odontoschisma prostratum | (Sw.) Trev. | Bases of shrubs in stream headwaters; shaded pond margins. |
Odontoschisma sphagni | (Dicks.) Dumort. | Edge of fen, on a boulder, in a soil bank. |
Family Aneuraceae | | |
Riccardia palmata | (Hedw.) Carruth. | Wet, rotting, decoricated log at margin of fen. |
Aneura maxima | (Schiffner) Stephani | Mud along brook in low area of forest. |
Family Calypogeiaceae | | |
Calypogeia fissa subsp. neogaea | R.M. Schust. | Moist sandy soil. |
Calypogeia fissa | (L.) Raddi | Wet peat bank, forested stream headwaters. |
Calypogeia muelleriana | (Schiffner) K. Müller. | In peat, in shrubs. |
Calypogeia sullivantii | Austin. | Peat under shrubs. |
Family Cephaloziaceae | | |
Cephalozia bicuspidate | (L.) Dumort. | Rotting log in low forest. |
Cephalozia connivens | (Dicks.) Lindb. | peat and humus beneath shrubs at edges of freshwater ponds and fens. |
Cephalozia macrostachya | Kaal. | Rotting log, shaded margin of fen. |
Cephaloziella divaricata | (Sm.) Warnst. | Swampy woods, decorticated logs. |
Cephaloziella rubella | (Nees) Warnst. | Sandy, silty soil on sand bank, trailside. |
Chiloscyphus polyanthos | (L.) Corda | On logs and forest litter in pools. |
Chiloscyphus polyanthus var. rivularis | | On twigs and cobbles in stream. |
Cladopodiella fluitans | (Nees) Buch | Moist sand, edge of drawdown pond perched on a bluff at the edge of the ocean. |
Nowellia curvifolia | (Dicks.) Mitt. | Rotting log, shaded margin of fen. |
Family Condoniaceae | | |
Fossombronia cristula | Aust. | Wet sand, shore of drawdown pond. |
Family Jubulaceae | | |
Frullania tamarisci subsp. asagrayana | (L.) Dumort. subsp. (Mont.) Hatt. | Face of huge granite boulder in forest. |
Frullania eboracensis subsp. eboracensis | Gott. | Boles and bases of deciduous trees. |
Frullania eboracensis subsp. virginica | (Gottsche) R.M. Schust. | Boles of deciduous trees. |
Family Jungermanniaceae | | |
Jungermannia gracillima | Sm. | Moist sand bank. |
Lophozia bicrenata | (Schmidel ex Hoffm.) Dumort. | Moist sand, edge of drawdown pond perched on a bluff at the edge of the ocean. |
Nardia insecta | Lindb. | Low sandy bank. |
Nardia lescurii | (Austin) Underw. | Near stream. |
Family Lepidoziaceae | | |
Bazzania trilobata | (L.) Gray | Pine forest on rotting log. |
Kurzia sylvatica | (Evans) Grolle | Wet peat, along streams in headwaters, under shrubs at edge of freshwater ponds. |
Telaranea longifolia | (M. Howe) J.J. Engel & G.L. Merr. | Wet sand at edge of pond. |
Telaranea nematodes | (Gott. ex Aust.) M. Howe | Wet sand beneath sedges and forbs at edge of drawdown pond, on Osmunda tussocks under shrubs, edge of freshwater pond. |
Family Lophocoleaceae | | |
Lophocolea bicuspidate | Nees. | Stream, side of granite boulder. |
Lophocolea heterophylla | (Schrad.) Dumort. | Soil along trails under forest cover; moist rotting logs; lawns. |
Family Marchantiaceae | | |
Marchantia polymorpha | L. | Between pavement stones at the Polly Hill Arboretum visitor center. |
Family Pallaviciniaceae | | |
Pallavicinia lyellii | (Hook.) Carruth. | Osmunda tussocks under shrubs, edge of freshwater pond; wet peaty soil along brook headwaters. |
Family Pelliaceae | | |
Pellia epiphylla | (L.) Corda | Peaty soil, side of drainage ditch, humus bank, brook headwaters. |
Pellia neesiana | (Gottsche) Limpr. | Raw clay, silty sand, muck. |
Family Porellaceae | | |
Porella pinnata | L. | Mucky seep, on rocks in streambed. |
Family Ptilidiaceae | | |
Ptilidium pulcherrimum | (Web.) Vainio | Face of huge granite boulder in forest. |
Family Ricciaceae | | |
Riccia fluitans | L. | Attached to moss plants submersed in flowing stream water. |
Riccia huebeneriana subsp. sullivantii | Lindenb. subsp. (Aust.) Schust. | Abundant on organic sediments of drained drawdown pond. |
Family Scapaniaceae | | |
Diplophyllum apiculatum | (Evans) Steph. | Sandy brookside bank; side of boulder in streambed. |
Scapania nemorea | (L.) Grolle | Sandy, compact soil of forest trails. |
Scapania nemorea forma whitehouseae | R.M. Schust. | Moist, silty, shaded sand bank. |
Scapania undulata | (L.) Dumort. | Attached to submersed rocks in streambeds. |
Hornworts, Phylum Anthocerotophyta | | |
Family Anthocerotaceae | | |
Phaeoceros laevis subsp. carolinianus | (L.) Prosk. subsp. (Michx.) Prosk. | Moist silty shaded compact soil; bed of a dirt road near a pond. |